"Outstretched Hands and Open Hearts to Women and Children."
Women in the NAACP (WIN) seeks to enhance the leadership role of women, serve as an advocacy vehicle for issues affecting women and children, and advocate for the positive development of children.

Empowering Women for Equity Justice and the Freedom to Achieve

Beatriz Palmer
Dr. Satia Austin
Committee Members
Donyale Escobar
Kelley Gillespie
Inez Williams
Karen Bickham
Samantha Gambles Farr
Rachel Carmichael
Committee Needs
Social Engagement/Outreach
Communications / Marketing
Donyale & Leilani

Women in the NAACP (WIN) seeks to enhance the leadership role of women, serve as an advocacy vehicle for issues affecting women and children, and advocate for the positive development of children.
During the year 1980, in Memphis Tennessee, Frances Louise Dancy Hooks (wife of Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks) and Earleen Bolden organized the trailblazing Women in the NAACP (WIN), an unprecedented project which aimed to enhance the leadership roles of women both within the Association and in everyday life.
Women in NAACP was approved as a standing Committee in 2004 at the National Convention in accordance with Article VIII of the NAACP Constitution and Bylaws.
Membership Dues
WIN membership is open to any person who is a member of the NAACP upon payment of the minimum membership fee of $10.
The purpose of WIN is:
to enhance the leadership role of women
to serve as an advocacy vehicle for issues affecting women and children
to advocate for the positive development of children
to support the ongoing work of the NAACP and its units, especially civil and cultural activities to enhance membership.
Initiatives/ Programmatic Focus
Equity in Healthcare
Sickle Cell Anemia
Breast Cancer Awareness
SIDS Awareness
Heart Disease Detection
Diabetes Awareness
Equal Rights for Women
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Domestic Violence
Disaster Relief
Development of Groups for Girls
Human Trafficking
Women in the Workforce
Financial Literacy for Women
Voter Registration
Equal Rights for Women
Women in History
Salute To Women of Color
Community Partnerships
Community Outreach
School Support|Schools in Yawa & West Africa
Women Veterans